iTech Solutions
How Speed our Servers are?

If you’re new in the online business game, then you must pay attention to server Speed. At our price point, you don’t really expect quality web hosting, but they are surprisingly fast! We’ve got 3 test sites with them hosted in various data centers so you can see how well they perform in each continent. Here are the results taken from our server speed test.

The American data center is really fast, returning a worldwide average of 143 ms. Requests from further away like Singapore, Sydney and Bangalore seems to have slightly sluggish response times, but that’s why we have so many data centers around the globe – to make sure your site is fast no matter where your users are.

The Singaporean server pulled a superb worldwide average with 175.8 ms. Now these guys are really quick in Singapore, Sydney, Bangalore and Japan, but obviously not as snappy in the West, due to the distance.

Their European server performed exceptionally well in Europe and America, but they’re not too quick in the other countries. However, they still scored an excellent worldwide average of 165 ms.

Aside from speed, We have an excellent support team, which serves over 20 countries in their native language! With the inclusion of 1 free domain, unlimited SSD Storage, Emails and bandwidth.

iTech Solutions